Humidifiers and UV Air Purifier systems are both methods used to improve air quality in your home. These are the major features of each.

clip art of UV light and humidifier

What is a Humidifier?

Humidifiers do exactly what their names imply: add humidity, or moisture, to the air. Based on how they operate and get the job done, there are different kinds, but all have the same central function. Some humidifiers are standalone units that humidify the air in one room, while whole-home systems can be added to your HVAC system by a professional.

You may wish to consider purchasing a humidifier if you’re looking for relief from things like:

  • Respiratory issues
  • Dry throat
  • Nasal irritation/bloody nose
  • Dry cough
  • Sinus headache/congestion
  • Dry skin and lips

What is the Ideal Indoor Humidity Level?

The Mayo Clinic recommends that indoor humidity levels stay between 30 and 50 percent to be considered healthy. Too much humidity can cause dust or mold to accumulate, which is a health risk. A central humidifier covering the whole home can balance the air’s moisture and give you more control over indoor air quality.

What is a UV Air Purifier?

UV air purifiers can also help those with allergies or respiratory issues. Through UV lights, the system sanitizes the air, eliminating allergens, bacteria, viruses, and other impurities. It is even being used by some to kill the COVID-19 virus on surfaces, though further study is needed, according to the Food & Drug Administration.

UV air purifiers use UV-C light to kill allergens and other contaminants that linger in the air. They can be sold as one unit or installed within your home’s pre-existing heating and cooling system. Most sanitizers are silent while they clean the air. Additionally, they also sanitize the air without any harsh chemicals. However, this does not directly address the humidity but offers an alternate way to reduce airborne contaminants.

If you’re looking for the best solution for your air quality problems, we can help. HRC Climate Services are experts within the Utah County area and can provide top-notch assistance with your indoor air quality needs. Call us at (801) 373-9440 today!