Ignoring fall allergy symptoms can have you sniffling, sneezing, and coughing all season long.

You don’t have to wait around for the seasons to change for your allergies to fade away. Follow these tips to prepare and help get you through fall allergy season.

Change Your Filters

When was the last time you changed your AC or furnace filter? Your filters should be changed at least every 2-3 months, if not more!

Cleaning your filters makes your HVAC system more efficient since a clean filter will catch more pollutants than a dirty one.

Clean Your Outdoor Unit

The most common autumn allergy irritants are ragweed and leaves. These can be in and around your HVAC outdoor unit.

A dirty outdoor unit that is covered in leaves can put more stress on your system, making it less energy efficient. Specifically, the condenser coil, if it does a poor job at dehumidifying, the allergens inside your home can get worse.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Your indoor air quality is important to your health and can impact your allergies. Pollutants such as dust mites, mold, and mildew thrive in homes with excessive moisture and hotter temperatures.

Installing indoor air quality systems, like dehumidifiers, humidifiers, and UV air sanitizers can help purify your air and get rid of common pollutants.

Also, be cautious of dragging in outdoor allergens. If you are working in the yard or relaxing outside in areas with leaves, ragweed, and other allergens, change your clothes when you get home and shower to prevent dragging them into your household.

HRC Climate Services, are experts within the Utah area and can provide top-notch assistance with your indoor air quality. Call us at  (801) 373-9440 for all your heating and cooling needs!